Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me Giving Advice to Anne

Knowing Anne's fate, there is so much I'd like to share with her and advice I want to give her. I'm currently at the point where it's March 1944 in the book, so I know that at this point Anne only has around five more months left to live; although I don't think I'd tell her that she's going to die as a victim of the Holocaust, I would tell her to try to make amends with people such as her mother and Mrs. van Daan. Since I'm not quite sure on how she should go about making these amends, I wouldn't be able to give her that piece of advice.... Furthermore, I would tell her that every day is precious and to treasure each day because each one's a gift. I also have the hindsight of knowing that millions of people have read her diary. However, I wouldn't mention that someday millions would have read her diary in fear of that affecting what she writes and the manner she writes it in. That's one of the aspects I enjoy most about Anne Frank's diary: she writes exactly what she thinks and doesn't worry about how people may judge her based on these thoughts. And lastly, I would tell Anne to warn everyone living and helping in the Secret Annex to be careful--to burn garbage causing smoke infrequently, to be extremely quiet, and do everything with even more caution. Who knows, maybe that advice right there could have altered history....

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