Sunday, September 13, 2009

First and Final Entry for Boys R Us

Boys R Us is currently the newest novel in Lisi Harrison's series The Clique. In comparison to the book as a whole, this ends on a very different note. (However, I won't tell you what that note it because then I'd have given away the ending.) Throughout Boys R Us, the Pretty Committee ("The Clique") is in the biggest fight they've ever been in, and none of them will admit that they want to be friends again. Although this book is filled with shallow characters, it carries a message that anyone can apply to their own life--don't loose friends over things that are insignificant and try to do whatever you can to get them back. On a scale of one to ten, I would rate this book a seven. Boys R Us is one of those books I feel bad liking because it's all about gossip and status, yet I truly enjoy the book; that being said, it wasn't so good that I want to read it again and again.

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