Sunday, September 13, 2009

First and Final Entry for My Sister's Keeper

If you've already seen the movie based on My Sister's Keeper, don't let that stop you from reading the book. First of all, as always, the book includes so much more detail and insight into what the characters are thinking and their motivations for doing what they do. My Sister's Keeper consistently throws unexpected twists until the very end; however, the final twist is by far the largest catalyst. The book picks up more and more as you go along and gets to the point when it is near impossible to put down. On a scale of one to ten I would give this book a nine; it has all the elements a book should, and for me its only flaw was not completely wrapping up all loose ends at the conclusion of the book. For people who don't like sad books that really pull at your heartstrings, I would strongly encourage you not to read this book. Finally, the most important part of this book is the message: hold onto what you have and never take anything or anyone for granted. Furthermore, you should enjoy every moment and life and live each day as though it is your last.

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