Thursday, January 21, 2010

End of Second Quarter Blog Reflection

It's really difficult to choose a single best moment of independent reading this past quarter. However, it would definitely be part of reading the Mortal Instruments series. Those books are easily in the same league as Harry Potter, but still aren't quite as amazing of Twilight. I've become so attached to the characters in the Mortal Instruments series, and I've enjoyed every moment of the whole series. (Except maybe at the very beginning when I was a bit confused.) Sorry, this strayed of bit from my favorite moment of independent reading, but if I specifically said some of my favorite moments, I would give away some of the best parts of the series.

Through my reading experiences, I, as a blogger, would like myself to reflect exactly what I think about the book--and add a degree of insight as well. Something I would like to improve on would be to write more responses to book reviews. Specifically, I would like to read a book review of the Mortal Instruments series. Yes, my blogs are as detailed as I'd like them to be. I've diligently worked to try to reach a balance between including detail but not so much detail that my blog entries become a drag to read. Once again, yes. I am interested in what I have to say. I really enjoy being able to write down and organize my thoughts as I am reading books. Something I think would further enhance the blogging experience would be to write a book review and then have one of my peers respond to it and vice versa.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Response to Book Review on Tempted and The House of Night Series

The latest book in the House of Night Series is Tempted, a book I finished late last year (in 2009). I was thinking about doing a book review on The Mortal Instruments series, but I want to make sure nothing will spoil the end of an unbelievable series I am nearing the end of.
Right off the bat, this book was given a 5 out of 5 rating--something I completely agree with. It captivated me and leaves me on edge waiting for the next book of the series to come out in April. However, the review says it's a series that can entertain adults. Personally, I can in no way see either of my parents enjoying this series... or any other adult I can think of.... I would probably recommend an age range from around 9th grade to sometime near the end of college. This is because I think the concepts are mature for middle schoolers, but at some time, adults may find them immature. A point I do agree with though is that this series has "hot Vampyres, true friendship, budding romance, a Loving Goddess, and a twist of the unexpected." Throughout this series, I have loved how this series intertwines so many different elements into a story that flow so well. Furthermore, I agree with the whole "have to own it" aspect of this series. In fact, when my mom wanted to borrow Tempted from the library, I asked her to buy it instead because the House of Night is a series in which I enjoy rereading parts of over and over.
Book Review:


The Mortal Instruments
This is by far the best series I have read so far this year! I'm currently over half way done with the final book to this trilogy, and I find myself rereading my favorite parts over and over in an effort to make the series last for as long as possible. :)